Terms and Conditions

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The following information is the Terms of Service of the website, (https://rankingrev.com/), and all other sub-domains.


Rankingrev.com – the “site” or “website” or “rankingrev” or “Ranking Rev” or “rankingrev.com”
Owners of rankingrev.com – the “owners” or “we” or “us” or “our”
Any individual, company, or other organization accessing or using rankingrev.com – the “user” or “visitor” or “you”
The Terms of Use laid out within this page – the “terms” or “terms of use”
All text, information, graphics, images, audio, video, material, and data on rankingrev.com – the “content”

Donec scelerisque fermentum sem, vel feugiat massa egestas tristique. Ut semper vulputate est. Proin sodales libero nec lectus vitae ex ultricies egestas. Mauris vitae vulputate tortor. Fusce malesuada auctor quam, eu cursus urna placerat in. Aliquam sit amet dignissim tellus, non porta massa. Fusce rhoncus ornare dui in facilisis.

1. Agreement of Terms

By accessing our site, you are agreeing and accepting our Terms. Use of this website is an automatic agreement of the Terms of Use without any additions, removals, or modifications.

2. Accessing the Site

We work hard to deliver accurate information across all pages on Rankingrev.com and try to keep the information up-to-date. However, we do not accept any responsibility for the content of external websites linked on Rankingrev.com. Third-party content and websites are always accessed at the user’s own risk.

3. Updating Terms

The owners reserve the right to update or change the Terms at any time without notice.

4. Description of Service

Ranking Rev provides reviews, information, and news to webservice websites, providers and other online services that generally target the Web Service industry. Ranking Rev creates directory-style pages that list websites fitting a specific category.

5. Third-Party Sites

This website has many external links to third-party websites, many of which providing gambling services. This Site has no control over third-party websites and is not responsible or liable for any content, products, or other materials available on a said third-party website.

Ranking Rev often places affiliate links and/or coupons in our reviews, pages, and blogs. These affiliate links and coupons generate revenue that differs depending on the terms of the third-party websites’ affiliate program.

By visiting or accessing any third-party site, you are subject to all rules and terms of that website, the Owners or the Website can not be held responsible for any damage or loss caused by a third-party website or in connection with the third-party website.

6. Privacy Policy

The Site’s privacy policy lays out how the Site and Owners handle information about the Visitor, the information can be found on this page.

7. Disclaimers

Users can not hold the Site or the Owners responsible for any damage or loss of any kind caused either directly or indirectly by the information, content, and the links provided on the Site.

8. Revisions and Copyright Infringement

If any information on the Site may be inaccurate or constitutes an infringement of copyright, you may contact the Owners for revision or removal.

9. Contact Us

Users can contact the Owners of the Site Rankingrev by Mailing us at: xenloagentur@gmail.com.

10. User Obligations

It’s the responsibility of the User to check the rules and terms related to any third-party site.
It’s the User’s responsibility to check the applicable laws in their area before using any third-party link on the Site.
You agree that the User does not copy, reproduce, duplicate, sell, or trade any content or artwork on the Site.

11. Language of Terms

The English version of the terms is the only version of the Terms that can be deemed to apply. Any differences between the English version of the Terms and the Terms in any other language is not applicable.